We are currently looking for a volunteer to assist us as 'acting librarian'. If you or someone you know are able to assist and have experience and knowledge in this area, please contact us .
The Moshe Menachem Lending Library was named in loving memory of Adam Kinstlinger obm (1982-1984). He was an eternal blessing and is a guiding light to all who knew him.
The library which includes some 1500 volumes on all aspects of Judaism as well as novels of interest for the Jewish reader and an extensive children's and youth section has been made possible through sponsorship by the local community.
This facility allows the opportunity for those who wish to read extensively, whether for learning or pleasure, of obtaining materials that are suitable for a Jewish home, creating a stable and secure environment for bringing young people into the world. The library is open to all during the office hours, throughout the week. We have undertaken to continuously upgrade and improve this library.
You can help increase this facility by dedicating a book for a Simcha or indeed a loved one on a special anniversary. Books can be dedicated from $100. Please contact the office if you would like to participate with the further expansion of our library.
The facility is there for you to make use of... please do so.