Our Program

Our Bar Mitzvah program is designed to prepare the boys for a meaningful Bar Mitzvah experience, and more importantly for life as a Jewish man, through an extensive learning curriculum. It is our aim that the boys should be able to demonstrate a basic intellectual and emotional understanding of fundamental Jewish philosophical and spiritual concepts. In addition, our Rabbi's work with the boys individually to prepare them for the Bar Mitzvah ceremony and reading from the Torah.

The Program includes interactive learning sessions, with presentations, videos, experiments and activities. In addition it includes extracurricular activities, shabbatons, hands on Shule experience and programs designed to build social skills, awareness and give the boys a positive and enjoyable Bar Mitzvah experience.

A child's Bar Mitzvah is not just a milestone for him, but for his entire family. As such, we have included in our program a "father and son Sunday morning" twice a a term, to involve the parents directly with the Bar Mitzvah experience.

Our Curriculum

The curriculum addresses basic questions of Jewish identity and Jewish life, such as: Who am I? What does it mean that I am Jewish? What is my purpose? Why do I sometimes struggle with doing the right thing? What is a Bar Mitzvah all about? 

It is our aim that the boys should be able to demonstrate an intellectual and emotional understanding of fundamental Jewish philosophical and spiritual concepts.

Shule Presentation 

The course includes preparing the boys for their presentation in Shule, reading from the Torah, the Haftarah, and a Dvar Torah, based on each boys own abilities. Rabbi Mendy works with each child individually to guide them through this.

Our Staff

Rabbi Mendy Schapiro is a young and dynamic Rabbi, Chazan and experienced Torah reader that has been teaching and preparing boys for their Bar Mitzvah for over 5 years.

His focus is to work with each child based on their abilities, to help them grow into a young Jewish adult.

In addition, our energetic and enthusiastic "Bochurim" (youth leaders), engage with the boys, particularly in the extra curricular programs, adding to the balance of an  educational and enjoyable experience. 


Do I have to be a member of Chabad?

The Bar Mitzvah program is open to all boys regardless of where the family holds Shule membership. However, if you would like to have the ceremony at our Shule, you will need to join as a member.

When and where are classes held?

The classes are on Tuesday afternoons, 4:00-6:00 pm at Chabad North Shore, 27 College Cr. St Ives. 

How long does the program run?

The program runs for one year, with approximately 8-10 lessons per term. If a boys Bar Mitzvah is within 6 months from the conclusion of the program, he may continue for Shule presentation lessons leading up to his Bar Mitzvah.

Questions or Queries

We look forward to providing your son with this wonderful opportunity. If you have any questions or queries, please contact Rabbi Mendy Schapiro on 0414 560 770 or email [email protected]

In addition, the program is a registered by the NSW as part of our OSHC, and rebates are available (for boys in primary school).

For more information about the fee structure and rebates, please contact Chanie Schapiro on 0449 671 067 or email [email protected]